Download all resources from curriculum area member’s website
Practice with parents/siblings
Attend as many classes as possible the week before
Private message your Instructor with any questions
Full uniform must be worn including belt
Allow yourself as much space as possible (forward and back and side to side) in a quiet area
Log on to your testing 5 minutes before testing time (we will not be able to add members after testing starts).
Log on with Zoom and your will manually be assigned to you belt testing group
Meeting ID: 847 6184 9116 / Passcode: 284467
IMPORTANT: please ensure the name is the student testing and belt colour (example LUCY H BLACK) and if 2 or more people are testing from the same family if possible log on two individual devices in two separate rooms/spaces
In the waiting area you’ll see Mrs Hicks who will put you into your testing room. Once in the testing room you can speak amongst yourselves until the instructor arrives. The instructor will state when testing conditions start.
Leave your mic on during testing and stay unmuted – treat it as a testing situation, stay silent between techniques but we want to hear you ki-i
No help from parents during testing, if you need anything repeated please just raise your hand – or come close to the screen and hold your hand to the camera – allow time for your instructor to see.